Hovingham Primary School

Welcome to

Hovingham Primary School

  1. About Us
  2. Our School Day

Our School Day


It is very important that all children are punctual and ready to start learning at the times stated below.  If children are late they miss out on valuable learning time.  

To ensure your child is in school and ready to learn, please aim to bring your children to school no later than 8.40am.

Parents are warmly invited to wait in the welcome area from 3.05pm, the gates to Nursery and Reception and the gate onto the main playground for KS1 and KS2 opens at 3.15pm where parents are asked to respectfully line up and wait for teachers to safely hand over children. 


Nursery Sessions

Our Morning Only/Afternoon Only sessions equate to placements of 15 hours per week.  


Monday - Friday

Morning Session:

Start Time: 8.30am

End Time: 11.30am


Afternoon Session:

Start Time: 12.15pm

End Time: 3.15pm


Reception, Year 1, Year 2, Year 3, Year 4, Year 5 & Year 6

Monday - Friday

Gates open from: 8.30am

Learning Time starts: 8.45am

Gates close: 8.44am

Home Time: 3.15pm







Lunchtime and playtimes

Each year group has a 15 minute playtime, where the children can bring their own fruit.  All year groups have an hour for a lunch, there are a wide range of lunch time activities available for children.
