Religious Education
'At Hovingham Religious Education is a journey of understanding, compassion and respect; it is underpinned by our values fostering empathy, embracing diversity and cultivating a foundation of knowledge for children to navigate the rich tapestry of cultures and values that make up our school community. It is the bridge that connects our children's lived, shared experiences to others, promoting tolerance, acceptance and a deeper appreciation for the spiritual dimensions of life.'
Intent |
The principle aim of RE is to engage pupils in an enquiry approach where they can develop an understanding and appreciation for the expression of beliefs, cultural practices and influence of principle religions and worldviews in the local, national and wider global community. As pupils gain knowledge and understanding their ability to make more informed and intelligent observations will enhance their perspective and outlook on the inter-connectivity of the community and the wider world.
At Hovingham Primary our RE curriculum follows the Leeds agreed syllabus. This will enable pupils to:
- Investigate the beliefs and practices of religions and other world views;
- Investigate how religions and other world views address questions of meaning, purpose and value;
- Investigate how religions and other world views influence morality, identity and diversity;
- To know and understand the practices of different beliefs
- Develop enquiry skills which support detail and accuracy
- Enhance their spiritual, moral, social and cultural development
The National Curriculum provides the knowledge and skill development for the Religious studies curriculum being taught throughout the school.
The RE content, for every year group, from Nursery to Year 6, is carefully mapped out so that teachers know and understand what to teach and when to teach it. All sequences of learning are planned so that there is cohesion and key knowledge and skills are protected.
Implementation |
What will this look like in the classroom?
Our teaching sequence, through the 5A model, will:
Our classrooms will:
- Provide appropriate quality resources for each topic in the syllabus.
- Be organised so that pupils can work in small groups or whole class as appropriate to support pupils in their development of their skills.
Our children will be:
- Engaged because they are challenged by the curriculum which they are provided with.
- Resilient learners who overcome barriers and understand their own strengths and areas for development.
- Able to critique their own work as a theologian because they know how to be successful.
- Safe and happy in RE lessons which give them opportunities to explore and question their beliefs and the beliefs of others.
- Encouraged and nurtured to overcome any barriers to their learning or self-confidence because feedback is positive and focuses on religious skills and knowledge
- Develop religious skills and confidence over time because of careful planning, focused delivery and time to practice and review.
Impact |
Pupil Voice will show:
- A developed understanding of the methods and skills of theologians at an age appropriate level.
- A progression of understanding, with appropriate vocabulary which supports and extends understanding.
- Confidence in discussing RE, their own work and identifying their own strengths and areas for development.
- Articulate Hovingham’s value of Tolerance through talking about each other’s cultural beliefs and values and religion.
Displays around school and books will show:
- Pupils have had opportunities for practice and refinement of skills.
- A varied and engaging curriculum which develops a range of religious understanding and skills.
- Clear progression of skills in line with expectations set out in the progression grids.
- That pupils, over time, develop a range of skills and techniques across all areas of the religious curriculum.
The curriculum leader will:
- Celebrate the successes of pupils through whole class sharing.
- Collate appropriate evidence over time which evidences that pupils know more and remember more.
- Monitor the standards in the subject to ensure the outcomes are at expected levels.
- Provide ongoing CPD support based on the outcomes of subject monitoring to ensure that the impact of the curriculum is wide reaching and positive.
RE Long Term Plan (Curriculum currently being rewritten - planning will be uploaded by June 2025)
Hovingham Primary School follows the Leeds Agreed Syllabus Believing and Belonging.