Hovingham Primary School

Welcome to

Hovingham Primary School

  1. Info for Parents
  2. Keeping children safe and happy

Keeping children safe and happy

Coming soon...

Hovingham Primary gives the highest importance to the safeguarding and welfare of our children. The governors, Principal and team will carry out their responsibilities efficiently, effectively and diligently to ensure that the our school is a safe and happy  learning environment for our children.

Everyone at Team Hovingham is aware of their responsibility to keep our children safe. All staff attend regular child protection training and receive frequent safeguarding and child protection briefings and regular updates and adhere to our staff code of conduct.

For all safeguarding issues or concerns, please speak to the Designated Leaders for Safeguarding Mrs Victoria Thompson, Mrs Alison Scott, Mrs Kim Lowe or Mrs Kellie Halliday.

At Hovingham we have a safeguarding team - see below.

Safeguarding Team

Kellie Halliday

Principal & DSL

Alison Scott


Vicky Thompson


Alex Hirst

Safeguarding Officer/DDS

 For all safeguarding issues or concerns, please speak to the Designated Leaders for Safeguarding Mrs Victoria Thompson, Mrs Alison Scott, Mrs Kim Lowe or Mrs Kellie Halliday.

You can contact the team here

Keeping your child safe and happy at home

Keeping children safe and happy is at the heart of all we do at Hovingham and we take this responsibility seriously.

From time to time, parents  need to share worries or concerns they have about their child’s safety and wellbeing, at Hovingham Mrs  Butterworth is our Personal Development lead and can be contacted here

Contacting teachers

If you would like to contact your child’s class teacher, please find the details below.

Please note, for our staff’s wellbeing, emails will be responded to during the working day, not after 6pm or weekends.

Please see some important safety information regarding TikTok. 

Parents' Ultimate Guide to TikTok (Commonsense Media)

TikTok app safety – What parents need to know (Internet Matters)

Our Behaviour Code of Conduct

We are committed to empowering our children to be successful learners so that they can access education feeling safe and happy. We continually promote an ethos where everyone feels safe and happy.

We ‘Aim High’ in everything we do and we do this through our constantly promoting our core Values of Perseverance, Respect, Tolerance and Creativity.

Respect   Perseverance   Tolerance   Creativity

Respect is our guiding principle throughout our Behaviour Code of Conduct.

We encourage our children to be Ready, Respectful and Safe.


leedsCouncil-placeholder Safeguarding Leeds

Domestic Violence support